The Real Build Episode 10. Everyone Needs Insurance, But Not Many People Know The Proper Insurance To Get For Their Property. An Interview With Alissa Russo Of Harbour Insurance.

Jul 28, 2019–Everyone-Needs-Insurance–But-Not-Many-People-Know-The-Proper-Insurance-To-Get-For-Their-Property–An-Interview-With-Alissa-Russo-Of-Harbour-Insurance-e4p1k7

Insurance is one of the most important topics.  Not many homeowners know what to do.  Finding the best insurance coverage is critical, but finding an insurance company that supports you when disaster strikes is what people need to look for.

Alissa Russo is a Florida native.  She entered the insurance industry while finishing her MBA, but left to pursue the corporate world. She realized she loved helping people, and she truly appreciated small/local businesses, so she went back to work for an independent insurance agency.

In this episode, we talk about everything you need to know about acquiring insurance.  Whether you are buying, building, renting, or investing,  we cover it all.

We talk about how Alissa enjoys being in the insurance industry and going above and beyond for customers.  She talks about how she loves to meet new people and insure the things that are important to them.